Friday 17 May 2013

When I'm Not A Gypsy...

Jude the Puppy Nanny comes to you
I'm Jude the Puppy Nanny. Did you know that? You've only to scratch the surface to find either one of those personas but when I'm at home on The Sunshine Coast, I don my Puppy Nanny purple and green and go to people's homes to help them get their puppy off to a good start. I also house sit when people go away. Usually then I look after dogs, not puppies, but I can and do take care of cats, hamsters, fish, and sometimes chickens.
Looking out the window
 Right at this moment I'm in a hillside aerie in Sandy Hook
 looking after Ceilidh, an Old English Sheepdog.

Everyday we take an hour's walk in a beautiful woods nearby called Hidden Grove. A group of volunteers have created signs and pathways which make this place easy to enjoy. Without the signs, directionally-challenged me wouldn't dream of venturing there. I'd be hopelessly lost in a heartbeat.
Lovely old tree
Hidden  Grove
We meet lots of other people and their dogs there and Miss Friendliness wants to greet everybody. Sometimes in her enthusiasm she forgets her manners and jumps up. That's a little disconcerting when you're not expecting it.
One of the things I say so often in my Puppy Nanny blogs is that training never stops. Ceilidh helped me remember this. Now when I see people approaching I give her a treat just to change her focus for a moment and then, if she greets them appropriately, another treat and a "What a good girl, Ceilidh!" She's beginning to 'get it' and looks to me now if she has kept four on the ground while saying hello.
 If you have a new puppy or you know someone who does, go to  where you can  sign up to download a free gift and be added to my regular newsletter which has lots of helpful puppy training tips.
 Still a wandering Gypsy Butterfly, oh yes, but  a happy Puppy Nanny too.

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