Monday 4 February 2013

Poised for take-off...

An English walk
Today's the day...
 I leave early afternoon for an overnight in Amsterdam and home tomorrow.
 I will be very happy to get home although, that said, I have had the most amazing month here in this lovely village with its friendly people, my 100 Acre Wood, and the company of my new friend, Ian.
 People have been amazing. I don't think I told you that a policeman, (I think he is a policeman), in Derby gave me a ride from the bus station to the train station on Friday. Yesterday, I ended up in a lengthy one-sided conversation with yet another old codger who relived his time in Canada during World War 2. (Should I feel flattered that the old codgers are attracted to me or am I in denial of my own age!!!)
 Having spent my coin on a sandwich at the previous transfer point, I had only a £20. note with which to pay a £1. fare. Old codger quickly whips out a handful of coin and pays my fare, refusing my proffered coin in return. Such a lovely gesture! I must have nodded at all the right places in his monologue but to tell the truth, his dialect was so strong I probably only got one word in twenty!
Santu, my host here in Rolleston, cooked a fabulous authentic curry for dinner and together with Ian, we were a congenial company at dinner last evening.
I am a very fortunate and grateful woman!


  1. Lovely. Isn't it amazing the types of people and experiences you are able to attract? Must be the signal you are sending. Cause you know the signal you are receiving matches the one you send! Safe trip home. TTYL

  2. Have a safe trip home Jude. Hope you keep blogging. xo
