Sunday 15 September 2013

I Love This City...

St John's... home of my heart. The rain, the wind, the glorious sunshine, the fog creeping in through the narrows... I'm not going to talk about the sideways snow.
It is always an absolute delight for me to be here. I have old friends (is anything more wonderful than old friends?) that I love to visit, and walking  the older treed streets of the east end of the city gives me unimaginable pleasure.
No visit to  Newfoundland would be complete without Jiggs' dinner and I am always fortunate enough to stay with an old friend who lets me cook it. The best part is the hash that I make the next day (one must plan this ahead of time; leftovers are essential!)  What's Jiggs' dinner? Salt beef ( a throwback to pre-refrigeration days and a contributor, along with salt fish, to the high incidence of hypertension in this province), potatoes, turnip, carrots, cabbage or greens & pease pudding, accompanied, if you're lucky, by homemade pickled beets and /or mustard pickles. The meat is first soaked overnight and then boiled for several hours along with the split peas which are in a pudding bag. Vegetables are added towards the end. The pudding is then drained, removed from the bag (very carefully, it is very hot!) and mashed with butter and pepper... remember the nursery rhyme "Pease pudding hot, peas pudding cold, pease pudding in the pot, 9 days old"?
Jiggs' Dinner (pease pudding in the bowl)

Next day's  yummy hash
Lots of hash. Several days' worth of yummy!
A man named Paul Johnson has established many wonderful walking trails in the city, some along Rennies River, some through residential streets, some on the back of Signal Hill. There's signage along the way if you are interested in the history of the area.
I took a number of pictures on my walks the last couple of days and here they are...
St John's is noted for its colourful houses

Note the detailing... 100+ years old 

Lots of row houses here

Local police horse right in the middle of the city!

A friend's garden

If you ever have the opportunity to come to newfoundland and have only limited time, just enjoy St. John's. It is truly an amazing place!


  1. Wow, you've been all over the place on this trip and I am in awe of your appreciation and knowledge of such a diverse province! Most delightful Jude.

  2. Have really enjoyed yer blogs Jude. Have just visited St John's via google's earth - on sunny days with great photos.
    Perhaps you have another career move - that of the 'auld sod' tours - not just the place but the rib-stiking local food and the recent past history of it all. Just sayin, Judy

  3. that should be rib sticking food....Judy
