Thursday 5 September 2013

Just Like BC Except...

Just like BC except...
Smaller ferry, no terminal, no conveniences besides washrooms.
We're at least an hour early for the ferry which by my reckoning will be at least an hour late. Here we sit on the wharf on Change Islands in a line-up of 6 cars waiting for the ferry to Fogo. Yesterday we also waited a very long time for the ferry to here. No matter. We weren't in a hurry to be anywhere.
The shoreline by the ferry
Oh goody! Here she comes. The next leg of our adventure is about to begin. I was wrong. The trip from Change Islands only takes 20 minutes. It also takes 20 minutes from here to Fogo so the ferry was not as late as I expected it to be.
Now, where was I? Ah yes, I had put away the car keys for 2 whole days and had some catch up time in a very small & clean motel about 5 minutes outside Gander. A member of the staff ( I think there are two of them) & I moved a fridge into my room, fluffier pillows were provided upon request, yes, I could do laundry for $5.00 & certainly I should feel free to boil the kettle any time at all. Excellent!
After I dropped Judi in Deer Lake, I determined to break up the drive to Gander in 1 hour chunks. The two hour break found me in Grand Falls, where I walked the daily 30 minutes surprised a former neighbour at her work, visited the local 'trough' (Chinese buffet) and felt decidedly refreshed for the last hour of the day's drive.
Here are typical small village scenes ( we call small villages 'outports' in Newfoundland)

Wifi has been a bit spotty on this trip so I have been depending on the Tim Horton's where available. After I'd been tapping away at the local Timmy Ho Ho's for awhile, it was time to find food. Didn't have a clue where to go so I asked some people seated at a nearby table and they suggested Rosie's. They hadn't been they said, but had been told the food was all home made. Good enough for me... Scallops, cod tongues, salmon, & cod comprised the fish platter and the homemade fries were yummy!
After breakfast  with my friends from Corner Brook who were en route to St John's, I took a walk in Gander. With all due respect, in this inland town, dubbed "The Crossroads of the World" back in the early days of trans-Atlantic flights, I find nothing that draws me or appeals to me ... except it's a marvellous place to be holed up with no schedule except my own.
I picked up my next travel companion, an old friend and former Grand Falls neighbour, at the appointed hour on Tuesday and it's off to Change Islands we go.
Janet, my current travel companion


  1. I would have loved to join you for the fish platter. Sounds super yummy Jude.
    Looking forward to the next chapter in your adventure.

  2. Good to be able to what yer up to and the photos are great.Wondering is there a number to qualify being an outport;3 or more dwellings? Food sounds wonderful.
