Saturday 17 August 2013

A Slow Start...

I really tried to get this posted from the Halifax airport last evening but it just wasn't happening, so here I am on a sunny Saturday morning, back in St. John's...
If I don't soon start keeping you in the picture, I'll be back in Gibsons!
 Honestly, I flew to Halifax on Wednesday morning to visit my dear Auntie Paul and tonight I return to St. John's where the adventures will begin. She & I have had  wonderful visit with lots of laughs as we realize yet again how much we think alike... we, of course, think that's simply marvellous. The rest of the world? Probably not so much!
I did manage to have a chauffeured tour (on Tuesday) to some of the outlying areas of St. John's, places I haven't visited in years. Neil took the afternoon off and I just sat back and enjoyed being driven. Our first stop was Middle Cove, the place where the tiny silver fish we call capelin roll in earlier in the summer bringing the whales in hot pursuit!
 On this particular day the sooty-colored sand was peopled by families enjoying a day at the beach. I didn't see anyone in the water; I would have been shocked if I had. The North Atlantic never warms up!
Mid day beach fire???
From there it was along the coast a short distance to Flatrock and for the first time I saw where the name came from. Hope you can see it in the photo.
Very flat rock!

 Then to the Grotto also in Flatrock. The locals are very proud of the fact that this was the only stop the Pope made on his trip to Newfoundland in 1984 and I think it was the Papal flag I saw still flying there.
Half of the Grotto 

Pouch Cove was not much to see ( you won't hear me say that very often in Newfoundland!) so we turned back to the city where I was awed by the new buildings that have put down foundations just since my visit here last year. St John's is a 'boom town'. To me that seems wonderful for a city that is the capital of what was until very recently, a have-not province. Has this boom impacted the rest of the province in such a positive way? I think not. That I shall see for myself as I leave St. John's on Sunday and head for my old hometown of Grand Falls-Windsor.
The pale blue evening sky promises a pleasant flight back to St. John's this evening. That will be a fitting end to a great afternoon hanging out with my brother who drove to Halifax from Chester for a visit,  a yummy dinner and to get me to the airport.
 It's been a very social couple of days. I am happy, believe it or not,to sit with my mouth shut!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the update Jude. I just love your writing style, its so entertaining.Probably would have been quite scary if I had also been in the room with Auntie Paul too! The people we know and the world at large would have been justified in their fear!
    Lovely pictures,looking forward to your next post. Stay well!!
