Wednesday 28 August 2013

Real Weather!

7 degrees celsius & it's what date? August 28th at the northernmost tip on the island of Newfoundland.  This is weather. Yes, indeed, there's nothing here for the sun-seekers or the warmth-needy.
The spray blows off the top of the waves. It's raining sideways & we're hard-pressed to stay on our feet! 
The Viking sod loghouse
The sod longhouse at L'Anse aux Meadows with its small fire provides a welcome haven. I did not know that the coming of the Vikings to Newfoundland was the completion of the circle of man's habitation of the earth. The circle that began eons before in Africa; a most fascinating story.
I am delighted to be reminded of the force & fury of the North Atlantic but after the walk around this historic site I cannot sustain my enthusiasm sufficiently to explore the Norstead replica of the Viking time in Newfoundland. 
Instead we head to the Norseman restaurant where we can watch the ocean pile upon the rocks while we enjoy yummy hot soup.
This picture doesn't do it justice!

They say the rain may stop tomorrow; no one makes any such guesses about the wind. After Norstead tomorrow, we'll explore St Anthony before beginning the southward journey back to Deer Lake.
It's hard to believe that we left Woody Point in 24C on Monday and walked barefoot on the sandy beach in Portland Creek. 
I tucked in this afternoon for a nap and it wasn't long before the rain beating a tattoo against the windows sent me over the edge .It was long overdue, that nap!
The dinner of crab legs we enjoyed last night at theNorthern Delight restaurant inGunners Cove  was only one of the many tempting items on the menu so back we went again tonight. I know you've been missing hearing about what I'm eating.
Judi said the fish and chips (homemade fries) were delicious and certainly a very large portion. My cod tongues were  crispy and scrumptious. 
Crisp cod tongues and homemade fries

 A clearing sky as we left the restaurant augurs well for tomorrow's visit to St. Anthony.

1 comment:

  1. You're covering alot of Newfoundland ground this trip. Glad you're appreciating the sights, sounds, taste and feel of your native province. Keep it comin gypsy girl!
