Monday 19 August 2013

Moving Along...

Beside the highway...
Yesterday was a beautiful day for a drive even though the 5 hour drive from St John's to Grand Falls-Windsor is not my favourite. Perhaps I have driven it so many times, perhaps because the interior of this province with its many ponds and its dense, low-lying (relative to BC) evergreen forests,  becomes monotonous... whatever the reason, on the couple of occasions where the ocean was visible, it was  startlingly gorgeous!
The blue berries are ripe and I did see groups of people, buckets in hand, headed off to pick these tiny tasty treats. I had had some for dinner the night before and I can tell you that the  Newfoundland blueberry, though small by comparison to its commercially-grown counterpart, is vastly superior in flavour.
 I was astonished at the amount of traffic on the divided highway that runs to Whitbourne (about an hour west of St. John's). That, too, I'm guessing, is a sign of the growth and increased activity on  the Avalon peninsula. Once past Clarenville, the number of vehicles on the highway diminished noticeably, although there would never have been any concern that  a breakdown would leave you stranded in isolation for an extended period. I can remember when that would have been the case.
Grand Falls-Windsor was built in 1909 as a 'paper town'. English people came and built a paper mill and a town here on the banks of the Exploits River.
Grand Falls in the distance (left)

 It was planned to have the town look English by planting many trees and 100 years later we enjoy their foresight. This is a pretty little down which has sprawled out now but the original townsite is beautifully treed.
Lovely birch trees!

I enjoyed yesterday afternoon's stroll through familiar streets and past the house I lived in for 20+ years.
My home for 20+ years

An evening spent with old friends completed the day. The comfy bed at 1 Hill Road was most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing that house brought back lots of memories. It looks different and yet still the same.
    How many times did one of our cats want to come in the house through your bedroom window because he/she was on the roof? Can't forget playing Meatloaf full blast with the speakers on the front porch while 'the parents' were away. And oh, the sundeck out the back, a great escape for Dennis as Nan was coming in the front door to check up on us on a Sunday morning. I remember at least one 'wedding' on the sundeck too. The maple tree looks wonderful, Spencer still lies in peace.The apple crate ceiling in our room, the fire in the bed. The alcohol consumption in the basement. Heidi's cool room, also where I stuck her with a diaper pin while changing her. Hope she has forgiven me after all these years. The church bells calling on a Sunday morning. Floods in the workshop, Stephanie holding the paper bag under her cut hand so as not to make a mess. And oh those basement stairs, I still have the scar between my eyes. Watson and the quick grab of the towel after he'd had a drink. We all scrambled then! The many cats and my delight in trimming whiskers and numbering paws. Chocolate bars on Thursday nights which I stored in the hat box until the next chocolate binge.Making a tent of old towels on the front bridge. I could go on and on. Thanks gypsy for stirring up those old memories!
