Saturday 20 April 2013

'Shooping' at the Market

Yeah, I know you think that's a typo but quite honestly, that was what was written on our little sheet of info. Besides, I think 'shooping' sounds more fun than 'shopping'. Shopping always gets such a bad rap.
We loaded onto our air conditioned bus for the 25 minute drive to old Cancun and then were given shooping tips like, "Never pay what they ask. Negotiate whether you're paying in Pesos or US dollars up front. If you're buying silver ( and who wouldn't be in this home of silver jewellery?), make sure it's pure, not pewter or plated."
Colour everywhere!

Thus armed, we were cast forth on the shop keepers who, like everyone else that I've met in this country, offered friendly greetings. They all had inventive responses if we said no to their invitation to come into their shops. It was a fun couple of hours. I think my favourite purchase is a 12" long wooden whistle. It is a gift for great-grandson, Ryland, who I'll be seeing in Oshawa on Tuesday. I hope he has a really good time with it at Grandma Lisa's house. I'm betting it will have a short life once he takes it home!
We sat opposite the same couple on the bus as we had on the Tulum excursion and agreed to join them for a pre-dinner cocktail. Last evening there was a closing cocktail party and dinner ( same as last week). The cocktail party washed around us as we sat outside. Two of the four of us changed for dinner... I was not one of them. Margarita hosted a splendid get-together.
We were treated to a Mariachi band during dinner which was delightful.
Our Mariachi treat.

Then followed the farewell from the staff  that sees them all walking briskly around the room waving while we clap.

 We were so well looked after here and apparently, staff members were heard to say what an agreeable and happy group we were.
This has been fun...all of it!
Adios, Cancun. Hasta luego.

Thursday 18 April 2013

A Visit to Tulum

The Palace at Tulum
Everybody's heard of the Mayan calendar, right? You know... it was supposedly the cause of all those end-of-the-world predictions for the December 2012 Solstice. I think that apart from hearing somewhere that their civilization was quite advanced, that's about all I knew too. Yesterday's trip to Tulum was too brief to have had the full history lesson but it certainly increased my awareness of how advanced they really were. To begin with, they had a mathematical system based on 20, the number 13 was an important one for them with none of the negativity of it being 'unlucky' attached to it. There was lots more to do with numbers as numbers were a primary focus of the Mayans. Both astronomy and astrology were developed.
The entrance gate to the town was designed so that only one person could leave or enter at any time. If  a resident met someone in this entryway, they were immediately killed as the enemy, it being assumed that the locals knew there was no room to pass.
Entryway in a 4 metre wall

 The place we visited yesterday had some well-preserved ruins in a magnificent setting. Tulum was at one time a port where cargoes of goods from other pars of the world arrived . They cleverly used the setting sun ( or fire on a foggy day) to illuminate from behind, the two slits in the palace wall  thus providing a guiding light to mariners.
Lots and lots of iguanas of all sizes all over the place. Such marvellous camouflage. They are the ultimate heat seekers so are well suited to the hot rocks at Tulum.
Our guides were very knowledgable and spoke a fluent-enough English to keep me listening. They wisely used the 1 1/2 hour bus ride to share with us most of the  information they had for us. It was way too hot to stand outside and listen to very much. Both Lisa and I had second thoughts about going when we found out about the long bus ride but the guides made it an interesting trip and even allowed time for a siesta!
We're glad we event. I salute the Mayans!
Señor Iguana

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Waddya think?

Do you like the look? I do.
After walking the beach yesterday...yay me!.. I realized I needed a hat for today's trip to Tulum. Fortunately, Pepe, the hat man, was peddling his wares on the beach and it didn't take long for news to reach him of another potential customer. Lisa had already bought a fetching little number. Lucky for me he also had the wide-brimmed type and I'm pleased with my new look. Bit of a downside to have to wear it home (it's not packable) but a small price to pay for protection and comfort in that 3 p.m. heat today.
 I am happy with the results of yesterday's test walk. I guess I walked (slowly) about 15 minutes each way along the ocean's edge where the sand is firmer and have had no unwanted after-effects.  Goody! The knee is healing.
Neither Lisa nor I had an inclination to chat up the newcomers at the cocktail party held last evening. We opted for an early dinner in the Italian Restaurant where the food was excellent and the service superb. None of the listed desserts had any appeal, delicious though I'm sure they were. I really wanted cheese and Alberto was happy to oblige by bringing blue cheese, slices of parmesan, goat cheese and Brie. So lovely to be able to get exactly what I wanted.
And so... I'm off. First the seminar session and the the big adventure to Tulum.
Hasta mañana!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Manly & macho... my dream hombre?

I have found the perfect man. Hmmm... No, perhaps not. I fell immediately for Señor Silencio as I have named him, as being manly, macho and silent. Upon further contemplation though, he is neither "tuned in, tapped in, nor turned on" to use an Abraham/Hicks phrase.  He would ultimately not provide the challenge and fun that I require so I shall bid him adios and leave him to his never-changing vista.
Not only did I manage the walk to the shopping centre nearby, we walked around it for hours with no difficulty. A clear signal that my knee is healing and also that moving the trip to Tulum to this week was a wise decision. Something nudged me that the pleasure of chocolate was first discovered by Europeans here in Mexico when some conqueror or other arrived here. A young señorita confirmed that but checking out the details became unimportant when I tasted the chocolate frappe´ at this little shop. Pure, rich, chocolate divinity, and not sweet. Trying to figure out how and when I can have another. The bar of 70% dark chocolate? Excellent!

The staff in all the shops are well accustomed to dealing with tourists and added to their natural charm and friendliness is a level of professionalism and an amazing facility with English. I entertained one young man in a shop with my (to him) awkward attempts to enunciate that Spanish rolling 'r'. I think the laughter enticed new customers. When we looked around the shop was full of people!
We enjoyed our relaxed pace and went where fancy took us. I think we saw only a small portion of this shopping area. When I spotted this jaguar in a shop, I simply had to go in for a closer view.
Beauty, huh?

 Silver jewellery in Mexico is amazing... funny, huh?... and the señor who assisted me in this particular shop had the most beautiful hands. I am always attracted to hands.  This man's were so beautifully shaped, I felt compelled to comment. He handled the compliment with great aplomb.  As Lisa & I admired this jaguar, he said it would be no problem to ship it to Canada. The $11,000. US dollars would include shipping. Adios, Jaguar.  Your beauty must remain here for many to enjoy.
We truly revelled in our free day and today we are ready to begin session 2 with nearly all new faces.

Monday 15 April 2013

So surreal and yet so very real...

Gonna walk on the beach THIS week! Maybe get in the water?
Today is a free day between seminar sessions 1 and 2. My BIG plan today is to attempt to walk for a full 5 minutes to the local shopping area and then back. For someone who was clipping along for 30 minutes every day since mid February, this feels both a puny and at the same time, huge, deal. My ankle is nearly back to normal size and it's time to exercise the knee joint a little.

Esther is the Hicks in Abraham/Hicks
 The downloads from Abraham were as always, thought provoking, inspirational and had some real Aha! moments. Being amongst 500+ like-minded people was a huge plus. Imagine being in a group that size, all of whom were together for the same reason!
The conference room was converted to a dining room to contain us all for the closing dinner. Beautifully and efficiently done. The staff here are so pleasant and friendly. At the end of the dinner they (presumably the ones who had participated in the closing dinner) paraded around the room. There were many of them.
Can you get some idea of the size of this?

We had an awesome perspective on the closing dance last evening. We sat on the balcony  of our 3rd floor room (where, by the way we get to stay for the rest of this week) watching the folks dance  and interact on the rooftop below us. Bonus: no waiting for an elevator to bring us to our floor!
And tomorrow we get to do it all some more. Are we not truly fortunate?

Sunday 14 April 2013

Last Seminar Session of Week 1

The beautiful blues...
Good morning me hearties...
It's difficult (impossible?) to take pictures while sleeping and I did do exactly what I said I'd do yesterday...sleep. I slept briefly in the sun and have a couple of slightly fried bits to prove it; I slept in the shade; I slept on my bed and after a bowl of chicken consommé delivered by room service,  I got in my bed and slept until this morning. I am so grateful for the restorative power of sleep! And grateful to know that when my body is sliding into a morass of misery, sleep is the answer.
Today we finish up session 1. Tomorrow we have a day off while hundreds of people head for home to be replaced by hundreds more coming to listen to Abraham's message as delivered by Esther.
 If you're curious about this Abraham/Hicks stuff, click here. You may find it interests you.
 We were able to move our trip to Tulum to next week which is most helpful. I can walk fairly well, albeit slowly, now, but expect to be even better by next Wednesday.
 We also go to a market next week. Having spent the princely sum of $3. since arriving at this all-inclusive, I'm sure I'll be ready for some retail therapy!
But right now, it's time to get ready for this day, perhaps find something that appeals for breakfast, take a layer to keep warm in the seminar room and find the joy that awaits in this day!

A small section of the seminar gathering.

Saturday 13 April 2013

I've Had Better Days...

All dressed up!

Chaises in the pool... cool, huh?
I know you don't want to hear me moan and groan and since that's my inclination today, I'll make this blog very short...
Bless the two RMT's that Lisa connected with . One of them taped my knee and swollen ankle yesterday. Feels much better. And can you imagine the lovely tan pattern I'm going to have when the taping comes off!
How to get a fancy tan!
Margaritas by the pool delivered with a smile and getting the staff's attention is not at all difficult. This is my first experience with margaritas. Whether plain or strawberry, they slide right down with no effort.

My saving RMT had a birthday yesterday. Lisa & I dressed for the occasion and enjoyed a festive Italian meal at a table for 10.  Bit noisy for my taste but no one else seemed to mind.
The pics today are not where they were intended to be. I beg your indulgence and will be back on track tomorrow.
No ruins at Tulum for me today. After this morning's seminar session, I plan to sleep. Hoping (and planning) for restoration of body, mind & spirit for tomorrow.

Friday 12 April 2013

The Seminar Begins...

Just a few of those who attended the cocktail reception
I love to travel. I love to learn. I love to meet new people. What then could be better than a trip to warmth, sun and sand coupled with 3-4 hour morning seminars on a topic that interests me (why else would I be attending?) and in the company of about 500 like-minded people? Fabulous, just fabulous!
After each morning's session, we are free for the rest of the day. For me, 'free' means go lie in the sun but there are many off-site excursions one can do (Lisa & I will go to the Mayan ruins at Tulum  tomorrow).
I tried to walk across the beach to the ocean on Wednesday but kept my shoes on which was a mistake. yesterday I went barefoot and was able to make the short trip across white powdery sand and stand ankle-deep in the cool ocean. The waves are big and powerful so I was content to watch others leaping gleefully in the breaking surf. Another fall is not in my plans!
Y'know what's so incredibly neat about this? The entire resort is filled with people who came to attend the Abraham/Hicks seminar. Where ever I am, whatever I'm doing strangers speak to me, and I to them...not just in the buffet lineup but when I'm lying in the sun, in the pool, in the elevator, at dinner... everywhere. We all speak to one another as though we all know one another. Name tags provide not only names but hometown and so far I've talked to people from London, England, Toronto, Calgary, Switzerland, Colorado, Oregon...
I think  the unifying factor is our commonality of purpose. It sure is cool. Last evening we gathered around the pools for a cocktail party where it would have been super easy to eat enough bits & bites to call it dinner. There was such freedom in knowing that whomever I spoke to would respond, and not just with a "Yes, lovely here, isn't it?"  A conversation would begin.
When you have to wait for a table at dinner they give you a black disc and tell you it will beep when your table is ready so you can go wherever you like while you wait.
 Sure enough, it not only beeps, but a series of little red lights starts flashing. Very Star Trek. Very freeing.
The freedom beeper.

Thursday 11 April 2013

What's not to like?
Despite nearly 24 hours of travel and nearly no sleep, it was impossible not to be impressed by this first sight when we walked  out through the lobby doors.
Not long after, Lisa headed off to the beach and I collapsed onto the very wide comfy chaise on our 3rd floor balcony.
When eventually we met up again, Lisa seemed only mildly perturbed that the surf had taken her nearly-new glasses... and it has not returned them!
It's fun to be in a place where all the guests came for the same reason. Everyone speaks to everyone else; in fact, while waiting to be shown to our table last evening, the man behind us asked us if he could join us. He, too, is a Canadian whose wife had made an early night of it after what sounded like a super fun and busy day for them. Perhaps we'll meet her today.
It seems I forgot that this travel and time change ( not to mention my improving-but-still-unreliable knee) would knock me down a bit and I'm looking forward to an interesting day today where I actually enjoy talking to people. Yesterday, I just wanted to sleep. Perhaps that's why I was in bed by 9; Lisa? Can't say when she showed up.
I'm so gald we have 10 days here. It is beautiful; the staff friendly and exceedingly helpful; the pool water is warm; the ocean, playful and my first Margarita slid down ever so smoothly.
All is well. Holá!

Day 1

Tuesday 9 April 2013

On the Move Again...

Attempt #2
Wrote the first blog of this series on the ferry and it all disappeared into cyberspace, so... here we go again.
The gypsy has a really truly skirt this time complete wit beads and bells.
The Gypsy's new skirt!

 It's packed and when it comes out at the other end of this flight, I'll be ready to dance. Well, that's the truth only in wishful thinking as I have left home wearing a knee brace... so fashionable!
 During Sunday's Puppy Antics  at The Dog House, a pair of 40 lb. puppies slammed into the side of my knee. Ouch!
Tiny little puppies...not!

I'm happy to be mobile . The knee is improving and where better to be to effect a restful healing than poolside in Mexico having every whim catered to!
 Couldn't manage the luggage on public transportation this time so opted for the luxury of a cab to YVR. $70. versus the $2.50 for public transportation. Ah, well. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!
Meeting daughter Lisa in Toronto in the very early a.m. tomorrow and then it's on to the sun, sand and seminars in Cancun.
 Stay tuned...
 Gypsy Butterfly Me is on the move again.