Tuesday 16 April 2013

Manly & macho... my dream hombre?

I have found the perfect man. Hmmm... No, perhaps not. I fell immediately for Señor Silencio as I have named him, as being manly, macho and silent. Upon further contemplation though, he is neither "tuned in, tapped in, nor turned on" to use an Abraham/Hicks phrase.  He would ultimately not provide the challenge and fun that I require so I shall bid him adios and leave him to his never-changing vista.
Not only did I manage the walk to the shopping centre nearby, we walked around it for hours with no difficulty. A clear signal that my knee is healing and also that moving the trip to Tulum to this week was a wise decision. Something nudged me that the pleasure of chocolate was first discovered by Europeans here in Mexico when some conqueror or other arrived here. A young señorita confirmed that but checking out the details became unimportant when I tasted the chocolate frappe´ at this little shop. Pure, rich, chocolate divinity, and not sweet. Trying to figure out how and when I can have another. The bar of 70% dark chocolate? Excellent!

The staff in all the shops are well accustomed to dealing with tourists and added to their natural charm and friendliness is a level of professionalism and an amazing facility with English. I entertained one young man in a shop with my (to him) awkward attempts to enunciate that Spanish rolling 'r'. I think the laughter enticed new customers. When we looked around the shop was full of people!
We enjoyed our relaxed pace and went where fancy took us. I think we saw only a small portion of this shopping area. When I spotted this jaguar in a shop, I simply had to go in for a closer view.
Beauty, huh?

 Silver jewellery in Mexico is amazing... funny, huh?... and the señor who assisted me in this particular shop had the most beautiful hands. I am always attracted to hands.  This man's were so beautifully shaped, I felt compelled to comment. He handled the compliment with great aplomb.  As Lisa & I admired this jaguar, he said it would be no problem to ship it to Canada. The $11,000. US dollars would include shipping. Adios, Jaguar.  Your beauty must remain here for many to enjoy.
We truly revelled in our free day and today we are ready to begin session 2 with nearly all new faces.

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