Thursday 11 April 2013

What's not to like?
Despite nearly 24 hours of travel and nearly no sleep, it was impossible not to be impressed by this first sight when we walked  out through the lobby doors.
Not long after, Lisa headed off to the beach and I collapsed onto the very wide comfy chaise on our 3rd floor balcony.
When eventually we met up again, Lisa seemed only mildly perturbed that the surf had taken her nearly-new glasses... and it has not returned them!
It's fun to be in a place where all the guests came for the same reason. Everyone speaks to everyone else; in fact, while waiting to be shown to our table last evening, the man behind us asked us if he could join us. He, too, is a Canadian whose wife had made an early night of it after what sounded like a super fun and busy day for them. Perhaps we'll meet her today.
It seems I forgot that this travel and time change ( not to mention my improving-but-still-unreliable knee) would knock me down a bit and I'm looking forward to an interesting day today where I actually enjoy talking to people. Yesterday, I just wanted to sleep. Perhaps that's why I was in bed by 9; Lisa? Can't say when she showed up.
I'm so gald we have 10 days here. It is beautiful; the staff friendly and exceedingly helpful; the pool water is warm; the ocean, playful and my first Margarita slid down ever so smoothly.
All is well. Holá!

Day 1

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