Monday 15 April 2013

So surreal and yet so very real...

Gonna walk on the beach THIS week! Maybe get in the water?
Today is a free day between seminar sessions 1 and 2. My BIG plan today is to attempt to walk for a full 5 minutes to the local shopping area and then back. For someone who was clipping along for 30 minutes every day since mid February, this feels both a puny and at the same time, huge, deal. My ankle is nearly back to normal size and it's time to exercise the knee joint a little.

Esther is the Hicks in Abraham/Hicks
 The downloads from Abraham were as always, thought provoking, inspirational and had some real Aha! moments. Being amongst 500+ like-minded people was a huge plus. Imagine being in a group that size, all of whom were together for the same reason!
The conference room was converted to a dining room to contain us all for the closing dinner. Beautifully and efficiently done. The staff here are so pleasant and friendly. At the end of the dinner they (presumably the ones who had participated in the closing dinner) paraded around the room. There were many of them.
Can you get some idea of the size of this?

We had an awesome perspective on the closing dance last evening. We sat on the balcony  of our 3rd floor room (where, by the way we get to stay for the rest of this week) watching the folks dance  and interact on the rooftop below us. Bonus: no waiting for an elevator to bring us to our floor!
And tomorrow we get to do it all some more. Are we not truly fortunate?

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