Friday 12 April 2013

The Seminar Begins...

Just a few of those who attended the cocktail reception
I love to travel. I love to learn. I love to meet new people. What then could be better than a trip to warmth, sun and sand coupled with 3-4 hour morning seminars on a topic that interests me (why else would I be attending?) and in the company of about 500 like-minded people? Fabulous, just fabulous!
After each morning's session, we are free for the rest of the day. For me, 'free' means go lie in the sun but there are many off-site excursions one can do (Lisa & I will go to the Mayan ruins at Tulum  tomorrow).
I tried to walk across the beach to the ocean on Wednesday but kept my shoes on which was a mistake. yesterday I went barefoot and was able to make the short trip across white powdery sand and stand ankle-deep in the cool ocean. The waves are big and powerful so I was content to watch others leaping gleefully in the breaking surf. Another fall is not in my plans!
Y'know what's so incredibly neat about this? The entire resort is filled with people who came to attend the Abraham/Hicks seminar. Where ever I am, whatever I'm doing strangers speak to me, and I to them...not just in the buffet lineup but when I'm lying in the sun, in the pool, in the elevator, at dinner... everywhere. We all speak to one another as though we all know one another. Name tags provide not only names but hometown and so far I've talked to people from London, England, Toronto, Calgary, Switzerland, Colorado, Oregon...
I think  the unifying factor is our commonality of purpose. It sure is cool. Last evening we gathered around the pools for a cocktail party where it would have been super easy to eat enough bits & bites to call it dinner. There was such freedom in knowing that whomever I spoke to would respond, and not just with a "Yes, lovely here, isn't it?"  A conversation would begin.
When you have to wait for a table at dinner they give you a black disc and tell you it will beep when your table is ready so you can go wherever you like while you wait.
 Sure enough, it not only beeps, but a series of little red lights starts flashing. Very Star Trek. Very freeing.
The freedom beeper.

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