Thursday 10 January 2013

A Local Lunch

Local residents
I see these beauties every morning on the dog walk. They are better viewed from a bit of a distance. Their beauty belies their nasty personalities!
The homeowners left yesterday morning  so after walking the dogs I decided to go and find a bite of lunch. I had passed a group walking earlier and one of them commented on Autumn, the lovely standard poodle. Another dog walker had told me the day before that the Rolleston Club serves sandwiches and lunchy things so I hopped across the road and went in. A group of about 20 people  (seniors, I'm guessing) were hanging out and chatting in the corner and I recognized them as the walking group I had seen earlier. As I stood in the lineup at the bar waiting to order my lunch and deciding what kind of half pint I would have, the lady behind me struck up a conversation. When I sat  at a nearby table, she invited me to join them. Of course, I did and now I can walk with a group as many days in the week as I choose.  Someone gave me directions to walk to two nearby villages as well. Of the three people I had actual conversations with, all had a connection to Canada. I do love this small world!
Set off to find the butcher shop after lunch to do a little reccy in case I decide to cook dinner for my friends who arrive from London today. Although I had been there before, it doesn't take much to muddle me, so I had to ask directions before I found it.  Steak and mushroom pie? ( Alas, no more kidney) A quiche? Gammon? Really, I can never see past the lamb in this country as it is always local and very good. Bought nothing but came away with a plan... it will be a rolled lamb shoulder roast, if I cook. I think they would call this a 'joint' as opposed to a 'roast'.
The route home took me past this building. It has stood the test of time well, huh? There are lots of similar buildings, and of the same vintage around here. Many were former farmer houses converted now to private homes, pubs, and hotels.
Glorious sunshine yesterday and a heavy frost overnight... beats the heck out of rain!

Note the date

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