Wednesday 23 January 2013

A lot of Rocks

I never knew kids could be such fun! Honestly. My own children, with their now grown or half-grown children, will attest to that.
 It's a good thing I believe that we humans  develop exactly the way we are meant to and there is no predetermined plan for how and when we come to an appreciation of anything.
Still, it makes me a little sad that I was unable to appreciate my own children when they were very young and neither did I particularly delight in my very young grandchildren. I believe my great grandson, Ryland, was the catalyst that changed all that and I shall tell him so when he's older.
All this preamble is by way of saying what fun I now have with kids!
You know how when you're doing something you really enjoy, the clock stops, time stands still and you're "in the flow"?
Well, that's how it is for me when I present the dog/kid safety program called Be a Tree.
Yesterday was my first presentation to preschoolers (ages 3 & 4), here at the Rolleston Preschool. On the phone beforehand, the person in charge said five minutes was the time allotted. I dutifully adapted the program  and timed it at 8 minutes.
" Good to go,"I thought.
One of the staff agreed to bark like an unfriendly dog at random intervals during the presentation. There's a picture I usually use of a snarling German Shepherd which was deemed to be too scary. This would be the cue for the children to either Be A Tree or Be A Rock. She wasn't very random ( I kept having to cue her) and she didn't sound very menacing (I really missed my usual assistant, Miss Heidi). Never mind, she was willing.
Lots of raised hands, nearly total focus on my pictures, interjections about 'my' dog at home, being A Rock, willing and eager was magical.
When I finished, I realized I had taken at least 20 minutes and had kept everyone's attention, even the staff!
 The kids agreed to tell Mummy (I'm in England, y'know) and Daddy about  what they had learned.
A seed is planted.

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful Jude, so glad to hear it was such a pleasurable experience. You did quite well keeping 3-4 year olds attention for 20 minutes a testament to your fine delivery skills!
    Keep the posts comin', looking forward to tomorrow...............
