Sunday 27 January 2013

The snow is gone

Yesterday at Topiary Cottage
And now they are issuing flood warnings. The river which runs to the side of this house is running fast and furious this morning and is very high. I wonder how the ducks manage? They certainly can't swim against that flow. No danger here of least I don't think so but it was interesting to get an automated phone call a little earlier with flood warnings for Staffordshire. The voice advised farmers to move their livestock and take measures to protect property. I've seen lots of sandbags in various places here in the village. I wonder if any will be needed today?
 We shan't be walking in the spinney today. That will be a sea of mud. The sun is shining and the temperature is several degrees on the plus side... a most welcome change!
A healthy heart snack...NOT!

I just can't resist sharing one teeny bit of food talk with you. Only in England (the UK?) would you find deep fried pork rind as a bagged snack! Instant artery clog, but so tasty!

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