Saturday 12 January 2013

More eating...

Harbinger of Spring

Sustained by a breakfast of smoked salmon (a gift from my friend, Jeremy) and cream cheese on toast , I'm ready to get the day underway. Patchy cloud in a blue sky and a temperature hovering at freezing indicate a good day for a walk. After I've taken all three dogs for their morning constitutional, I think I'll find the public footpath and walk to Stretton.
The Local Butcher's
Friend Jeremy also brought these gorgeous daffodils. He knows how much I love them!

The gaps in the meat tray in the photo are where the butterflied lamb chops lived before we whisked them away for a lovely lunch before Jeremy and Del headed back to London yesterday. Butcher Dave in Sechelt has reason to be proud of his shop.  It's certainly on a par with this one. Here though, the lamb is local. Is his?
 These agreeable dogs make no complaint as they snooze while I write, but I bet they'd enjoy an outing!


  1. My kind of blog, Jude…tell me what you're eating!!!!

  2. Well, I did mention the smoked salmon I had for breakfast and the lamb chops we had for lunch yesterday. Perhaps I forgot to mention the fish pie at the pub the other evening and for sure I did not mention the fabulous curry that Santu made before he and Leny left. He is Indian and his curry was authentic, made with crushed spices, not powder. I ate the last of it for dinner this evening. He has told me how it's done but I'll need a review when he returns. And since you asked, I had French onion soup and 1/2 pint of Doomday ale for lunch today. No food talk tomorrow!
