Tuesday 29 January 2013

Just so you know...

Can you see the snowdrops?
Not all cash machines or shops offering 'cash back' are able to do so with a foreign credit or debit card.
When I was a young teenager I would frequently fly from Montreal to Stephenville, NL, by myself, often with only a quarter in my wallet. No credit cards in those days, remember! Furthermore, if the flights were delayed for any reason, (no direct flights either), the airline fed and housed you on their nickel. Why did I need more than 25¢?
 My father didn't agree and I bowed to his wish to always have $25.00.
 All this by way of saying, I was not at all perturbed when I realized on Saturday that I had only £ .90 in cash. Well, it all got a bit trickier when, yesterday, I went to the cash machine at The Spread. Cash machine said 'no' to both credit & debit cards.
"The Post Office in the News Agent's will be able to help you," the nice you woman said.
Jane, at the Post Office, said, "No, you can't do cash back on your Visa except in a bank."
 There's a bank in Burton. Getting there requires £1.40 bus fare.
"The Co-op will give me cash back," I thought. "I've seen them do it for other people."
 Not only did the machine at the Co-op refuse cash back, it refused my debit card entirely and wouldn't accept my credit card to pay for the groceries either.
Where do YOU buy house coal?

 Time to call the bank in Canada.
 "No problem here with your cards. It's the equipment at the Co-op," I was told.
 Back I go to get the groceries.  The machine required some fiddling but it worked.
The dilemma is that today, Tuesday, the fish van comes with fresh fish from Grimsby. I'm pretty certain this fellow will not take cards so cash is essential since I've invited Ian to come and eat fresh fish.
Bless the one-person business owner who does her book keeping and banking from home! I called daughter, Kerry,who directed me to a box of coin in the house where I would  likely find £10.00
Bring on the fish man!
What's life without a bit of drama!
Flood warnings have ended.

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