Friday 11 January 2013


Jeremy, Del & Me
Missed the morning coffee at the church. Forgot entirely about the fish & chip van that rolls into the village at 6 on a Thursday. Those potential delights paled by comparison in having friends from London come for an overnight visit. They arrived at mid day and we visited all afternoon after taking the dogs for a stroll. Del even helped me sort out my camera settings ( I knew the Universe would provide!)
Eventually we set off to The Spread Eagle pub which is just around the corner where we enjoyed more chat, draught ale, red wine for Jeremy, and a delightful meal. I had calamari, Jeremy the scallops and Del started with a prawn cocktail. These were beautifully presented by a chipper young server so it all started well. Fish pie and roast chicken, the mains, were delicious and who could then resist the large profiterole (cream puff) which I had and the raspberry sorbet chosen by Jeremy? Del was too full for dessert... I can't even imagine being too full for dessert!  The Spread Eagle is a delightful spot. I shall surely return.
Just a short walk home in the cold, damp fog where we ended the evening with tea.
I am so pleased they drove up from London to visit and wish they were staying longer. However, duties beckon in London.
Jeremy & I realized we have now known one another for over 40 years and we do manage to see one another at intervals. In the interim, thank goodness for emails!
I am so very grateful for old friends!  

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