Thursday 24 January 2013

Too much of a good thing...

Ducks on The Dove
I'm sure you've heard that expression and perhaps even experienced it for yourself. I have. Many times. In the wee, small hours of this morning I awoke and knew instantly that I was experiencing it once again.
 Ian (you know, my neighbour) and I went to The Spread, as it's known locally, (The Spread Eagle to the rest of us) for a bite to eat. Yup, that's right. I'm eating again. Did you really think I had stopped?
 Wednesdays are Pie Nights and in the face of many tempting choices, I chose the Steak and Kidney Pudding. The kidney was a bit difficult to identify but, never mind, the dish was hot and tasty. The English do something called a 'short crust' pastry. It's heavier than our usual pie pie pastry but not as 'biscuity' as our biscuit crust. It's delicious and perhaps one of the reasons I like the meat pies on this side. The pint of Pedigree that accompanied dinner went down smoothly as well. Someone of  more body awareness, common sense, ???, would have declined dessert but when Ian ordered the Sussex Pond Pudding, described as a lemon something or other, I, too, succumbed to temptation (I almost never do that!). Well, lo and behold, more shortcrust, this time enveloping a lemony custard with vanilla ice cream on the side. That too slid down nicely.
The shortcrust was a most unwelcome visitor in the dead of night. I lay there, knowing I'd freeze if I got up to do something about the intestinal discomfort. After a long time of mental self-flaggelation, and new resolution to be mindful when eating, I braved the freezing temperature of the bedroom. Nux Vomica, you are my saviour!
What am I eating today?
Not much!
 A treat for me  (about $7.00)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, I too have been there many times. I think we need to overindulge occasionally as it's one of the ways to put ourselves 'back on track' Hope you are feeling better today!
