Monday 28 January 2013

Sunshine & showers...

A good day on clothes...
Oh, the excitement of hanging clothes on the line under blue skies with a light breeze!
Just as I finished and stood back to admire how nice & high the clothes were and how well the breeze could reach them, Kerry, (the homeowner's daughter ) arrived with her daughter, Lucie and 6 month old Juke.
I had told Lucie when I first got here that I would help her work with Juke, so for the next hour or so, we walked on leash, practised 'off' and then, funnily enough, I found myself sitting on the cold brick patio demonstrating to Lucie how to use a bent leg to teach 'down'. Working with people and puppies is another one of those 'in the flow', time-stopped moments. I wouldn't dream of sitting on those cold bricks for any other reason!

Lucie & Juke
I left them to practise and took 'my' three poodles for their walk. We hadn't gone far when black clouds darkened the sky and the rain began. All I could think of was my clothes on the line. "Hurry, hurry, hurry," my body language said to the dogs as I hustled them home. I don't even know why it mattered. The clothes dried very nicely on a drying rack on the upstairs landing.
 Before Lucie & Juke left, I took a couple of short videos ( apparently too short to upload but I'll get the hang of it sooner or later!) of them, with Lucie using the bent-knee  'down' method. When we looked we had a very attentive audience.
The audience

Yesterday seemed like a good day to eat again and in anticipation, I had gone to the butcher shop on Saturday and bought 2 lovely pieces of filet. I decided to 'pan broil' them, as my mother would have called it, as I am not thrilled with the combo microwave, convection oven and grill unit here. Mushrooms, onions, broccoli and would you believe, 'chips'! Yes, I actually fried potatoes in a pan of oil, something I haven't done since my sailing days in Notre Dame Bay.
 It was all pronounced "delicious" by Ian as we enjoyed another evening of good food, pleasant conversation and laughter.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an utterly fabulous day Jude. So glad to read that you are living life to the fullest!
