Monday 21 January 2013

Okay, January, you win...

I think I have succumbed, temporarily, to the grey, the cold, and the snow of January.
 I told myself yesterday that I really must 'do something' today like go to Burton on Trent or back to that delightful antique shop in Tutbury.
I look out this morning at the Christmas-card-pretty 100 Acre Wood and all I can think of is how happy I will be to settle in for the rest of the day with  a movie, my book or the latest episode of Downton Abbey... after the dogs have their outing, of course.
And so, my pretties, there will be no adventure today.
Last evening my new friend and temporary neighbour, Ian, came across for a bite to eat. It's always a pleasant change to enjoy someone else's company for the evening meal and Ian is good company. He's lived long enough to have a wealth of stories. I do love a story teller!
My Scottish neighbour

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