Monday 7 January 2013

To town,to town, jiggety-jig...

Now, to tell the truth, I'm not even sure which town. Are we going to Derby today or Burton on Trent? I love that it doesn't matter. When you don't know anything about where you are, any town is an adventure. And we'll go to a proper supermarket where I hope to get a reasonable quantity of walnuts for less than the king's ransom the local co-op wanted. May even have time to nip into a charity shop. What treasures await there, I wonder. I'm on the hunt for a cashmere 'jumper'. You  may know that the English do not heat their houses as warm as we do.
Lovely Sunday lunch at Hilton House Hotel yesterday. About a 10 minute drive away in a relatively new building (1843). There's a Carvery (buffet) offered on Sundays and while the vegetables were many and varied ( roast potatoes, roast parsnips, carrot cabbage, peas, cauliflower) and roast beef, turkey, salmon and roast pork plus steak and mushroom pie ( no more kidneys, alas), there was no sign of a salad or raw vegetable in any form. An interesting contrast to our North American way but no cause for complaint from my perspective.
 It's still grey and dry, so very similar to home in January.
 Wednesday will bring changes as I take up care of my three charges. Until then I am enjoying the slothful life!

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