Monday 14 January 2013

How far is 2 miles, anyway?

The walk
Another perfect day. Cool. No wind. Streaky cirrus  clouds painted on the watery-blue winter sky." Let's walk to Tutbury," I said to Autumn & she, ever ready to walk anywhere, agreed. It's a 20 minute walk they told me. After what seemed like much longer than 20 minutes we weren't even out of Rolleston... at least I didn't think so. I spoke with a couple en route who assured me I was going in the right direction but cautioned me there would soon be no 'pavement' ( sidewalk) and to be mindful. We walked and we walked  and still no signpost for Tutbury but never mind, its still lovely and I'm enjoying the views, the weather and the canine company.
"Ah, there's the turn and the sign for Tutbury."
I pick up the pace, envisioning by this time a pint and a bite of lunch at the local pub. "Sitting for a bit will be most welcome," I said to myself , "and I'm getting peckish." 
I'm not jumping into that!
Along the way
After another 1000 miles, we encountered a couple walking briskly out of Tutbury. "Oh, it's about another mile," they said. "No, there's no short way back to Rolleston. You have to re-trace your steps."
That did it!
About face. March!
I may look happy in this picture but  I can assure you, the earlier euphoria had long since evaporated and my feet were now yelling at me.
"Up and at 'em, kid,"  I said sternly to self and so, up and at 'em I got.

Just a wee rest...
The sight of the church spire in Rolleston energized my feet and shortly thereafter, I was back 'home' with feet happily elevated. It seems an hour and a half is a tad too long for me to walk. More training required. Meantime, "What time is the bus?"
Aaahhh... the joy!

Another perfect day. Cool. No wind. Streaky cirrus clouds painted on the watery-blue winter sky. Just the day to walk to Tutbury... a 20 minute walk they said.

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